Reviewers for Volume 14 (2020)


  • BRIT Press Botanical Research Institute of Texas



Volume 14 involved 64 reviewers: several individuals reviewed more than one manuscript. We sincerely apologize if your name was accidently left out. Thank you for supporting Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.

Barrie, Fred R.
Bauml, Jim
Bryson, Charles
Cameron, Kenneth M.
Carter, Richard
Chambers, Ken
Cox, Patricia
Davenport, L.J.
Devore, Melanie
Dorr, Laurence J.
Eliasson, Uno H.
Elvin, Mark A.
Endress, Peter
Ferry, Robert
Filip, Greg
Fleming, Gary
Fowler, Jim
Franck, Alan R.
Freckmann, Bob
Gandhi, Kanchi N.
Gange, John
García-Beltrán, José A.
Gonzalez, Enrique
Gonzalez, Socorro
Hansen, Curtis J.
Haynes, Robert R.
Hernandez-Ledesma, Patricia
Holst, Bruce
Ibrahim, Marla
Jones, Ron
Judd, Walter
Keener, Brian R.
Keller, Harold W.
Lammers, Thomas G.
Landry, Garrie P.
Lodge, D. Jean
Luteyn, James L.
Manchester, Steven
Martinez-Alvarado, Domitila
Mata, Juan Luis
Mathiasen, Robert L.
Mayfield, Mark H.
Middleton, David
Miller, John
Motta, Michelle
Novozhilov, Yuri K.
Parra-O., Carlos
Pastore, José Floriano B.
Pelser, Pieter B.
Philley, Kevin D.
Pigg, Kathleen B.
Powell, A. Michael
Salares, Val
Schönenberger, Jürg
Schori, Melanie
Skean Jr., James D.
Spellenberg, Richard
Terry, Martin K.
Thompson, Ralph L.
Trout, Keeper
Urbatsch, Lowell E.
Wahlert, Gregory A.
Wieboldt, Thomas F.
Wipff, Joseph K.




How to Cite

BRIT Press. (2020). Reviewers for Volume 14 (2020). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 14(2), 539.