Reviewers for Volume 13 (2019)


  • BRIT Press Botanical Research Institute of Texas



Volume 13 involved 76 reviewers: several individuals reviewed more than one manuscript. We sincerely apologize if your name was accidently left out. Thank you for supporting Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.

Alford, Mac H.
Allen, Charles M.
Anderson, Loran C.
Arias, Salvador
Ashokan, Ajith
Averyanov, L.V.
Baker, Brent
Bécquer, Eldis
Bordelon, Ashley
Boufford, David E.
Bryson, Charles
Carlquist, Sherwin
Carter, Richard
Deanna, Rocio
Delgado Salinas, Alfonso
Devore, Melanie
Downie, Stephen R.
Dressler, Stefan
Duling, Darrin W.
Eliasson, Uno H.
Endress, Peter
Estrada-Castillón, Eduardo
Felger, Richard
Filip, Greg
Franck, Alan
Gandhi, Kanchi
Giblin, David
Gillespie, Emily L.
Gomez Sanchez, Maricela
González, Favio
González-Elizondo, Martha
Haines, Arthur
Hammel, Barry
Hansen, Bruce F.
Ibarra Manriquez, Guillermo
Ionta, Gretchen M.
Judd, Walter
Keller, C.K. (Chick)
Kindscher, Kelly
Loring, Hillary J.
Mansfield, Donald H.
Marr, Kendrick
Martínez Díaz, Mahinda
Mayfield, Mark H.
McCauley, Ross A.
Moody, Michael
Moore, Michael
Morales, Francisco
Neubig, Kurt M.
Nguyen, Sinh Khang
Pérez, Álvaro J.
Pigg, Kathleen B.
Pipoly III, John J.
Price, Relf
Puente, Raule
Rabeler, Rich
Renner, Susan
Rolfsmeier, Steven
Schori, Melanie
Serviss, Brett
Shaw, David
Shaw, Julian
Smith, James F.
Spellenberg, Richard
Steunauer, Gerry
Suarez Suarez, Luz Stella
Sullivan, Janet
Terry, Martin K.
Trout, Keeper
Valencia, Janice
Villarreal Q., José A.
Whitson, Maggie
Wilder, George J.
Wipff, Joseph K.
Wojciechowski, Martin F.
Zamora, Nelson



How to Cite

BRIT Press. (2019). Reviewers for Volume 13 (2019). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 13(2), 601.