New combinations, rank changes, and nomenclatural and taxonomic comments in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States, III


  • Alan S. Weakley UNC Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Derick B. Poindexter UNC Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Richard J. LeBlond UNC Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Bruce A. Sorrie UNC Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Edwin L. Bridges Botanical and Ecological Consultant
  • Steve L. Orzell Avon Park Air Force Range
  • Alan R. Franck Herbarium (USF), Dept. of Cell Biol., Microbiol. & Molecular Biol., University of South Florida
  • Melanie Schori United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Germplasm Resources Laboratory
  • Brian R. Keener University of West Alabama (UWAL), Dept. of Biological & Environm. Sci. Stat. 7
  • Alvin R. Diamond, Jr. Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences (TROY), Troy Univeristy
  • Aaron J. Floden Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)
  • Richard D. Noyes Department of Biology, University of Central Alabama



As part of ongoing efforts to understand and document the flora of the southeastern United States, a number of taxonomic changes at generic, specific, and infraspecific rank are made. We also discuss and clarify the recommended taxonomy for other taxa (not requiring nomenclatural acts) and present a point of view about the practical and philosophic basis for making taxonomic changes in an allegedly well-understood flora. The genera (and families) affected are Endodeca (Aristolochiaceae), Erigeron, Pityopsis, and Solidago (Asteraceae), Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae), Carex (Cyperaceae), Baptisia and Indigofera (Fabaceae), Salvia and Scutellaria (Lamiaceae), Stenanthium (Melanthiaceae), Epidendrum (Orchidaceae), and Andropogon, Coleataenia, Dichanthelium, Digitaria, and Panicum (Poaceae).


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How to Cite

Weakley, A. S., Poindexter, D. B., LeBlond, R. J., Sorrie, B. A., Bridges, E. L., Orzell, S. L., Franck, A. R., Schori, M., Keener, B. R. ., Diamond, Jr., A. R. ., Floden, A. J., & Noyes, R. D. (2018). New combinations, rank changes, and nomenclatural and taxonomic comments in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States, III. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 12(1), 27–67.

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