Index to new names and combinations in J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14(1), 2020


  • BRIT Press Botanical Research Institute of Texas



Arceuthobium abietinum subsp. grandae Kenaley, subsp. nov.—33
Arceuthobium abietinum subsp. mathiasenii Kenaley, subsp. nov.—32
Dasykothon Poinar & K.L. Chambers, gen. nov.—66
Dasykothon leptomiscus Poinar & K.L. Chambers, sp. nov.—66
Galearis rotundifolia f. angustifolia (J. Rousseau) P.M. Br., comb. nov.—14
Galearis rotundifolia f. beckettii (Boivin) P.M. Br., comb. nov.—15
Galearis rotundifolia f. immaculata (W. Mazurski & Laur. P. Johnson) P.M. Br , comb. nov.—15
Galearis rotundifolia f. lineata (Mousley) P.M. Br , comb. nov.—15
Galearis rotundifolia f. rosea (P.M. Br.) P.M. Br., comb. nov.—15
Galearis rotundifolia f. wardii (P.M. Br.) P.M. Br., comb. nov.—15
Heteranthera missouriensis C.N. Horn, sp. nov.—2
Heteranthera pauciflora C.N. Horn, sp. nov.—3
Monardella odoratissima subsp. franciscana (Elmer) Brunell, comb. nov.—11
Monardella odoratissima subsp. obispoensis (Hoover ex Jeps.) Brunell, comb. nov.—11
Monardella odoratissima subsp. villosa (Benth.) Brunell, comb. & stat. nov.—11
Orthochilus ecristatus f. flavus (P.M. Br.) P.M. Br., comb. nov.—16
Orthochilus ecristatus f. purpureus (P.M. Br.) P.M. Br , comb. nov.—16
Phantophlebia Poinar & K.L. Chambers, gen. nov.—74
Phantophlebia dicycla Poinar & K.L. Chambers, sp. nov.—74
Sidalcea asprella subsp. elegans (Greene) Halse, comb. nov.—9
Sidalcea asprella subsp. virgata (Howell) Halse, comb. nov.—9
Thymolepis K.L. Chambers & Poinar, gen. nov.—58
Thymolepis toxandra K.L. Chambers & Poinar, sp. nov.—58




How to Cite

BRIT Press. (2020). Index to new names and combinations in J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14(1), 2020. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 14(1).