First documentation of Dichanthelium caerulescens (Poaceae) for the vascular flora of Louisiana, U.S.A.


  • Brian Sean Early Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries



Dichanthelium caerulescens, Panicum caerulescens, Dichanthelium roanokense, Dichanthelium dichotomum, grassland, coastal prairie, prairie, pine savanna, flatwoods, alkaline, flora, Louisiana


Dichanthelium caerulescens is documented for the first time in Louisiana, as the result of floristic fieldwork performed in 2019 through 2021. Louisiana records extend the range of D. caerulescens westward by approximately 265 mi (426.5 km) into the Western Gulf Coastal Plain ecoregion. These findings also identify a new habitat, coastal prairie, utilized by D. caerulescens.


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How to Cite

Early, B. S. (2022). First documentation of Dichanthelium caerulescens (Poaceae) for the vascular flora of Louisiana, U.S.A. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 16(2), 565–572.