Index to new names and combinations in J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 13(1), 2019
Arceuthobium abietinum subsp. magnificae Mathiasen & Kenaley, subsp. nov.—98
Astragalus pilosior R.W. Spellenb. & E.W. Anderson, sp. nov.—131
Calamagrostis utsutsuensis Otting & B.L. Wilson, sp. nov.—8
Calathea multispicata H. Kenn. & M. Serna, sp. nov.—141
Dichanthelium aculeatum (Hitchc. & Chase) LeBlond, comb. nov.—118
Dichanthelium mundum (Fernald) LeBlond, comb. nov.—119
Dichanthelium recognitum (Fernald) LeBlond, comb. nov.—119
Dispariflora Poinar & K.L. Chambers, gen. nov.—174
Dispariflora robertae Poinar & K.L. Chambers, sp. nov.—174
Ipomoea edwardsensis (O’Kennon & Nesom) O’Kennon, comb. et stat. nov.—103
Musineon glaucescens P. Lesica, sp. nov.—1
Ophiocaryon nicolasii Aymard, sp. nov.—148
Physalis macrosperma Pyne, E.L. Bridges, & Orzell, sp. nov.—35
Poa mansfieldii Otting & B.L. Wilson, sp. nov.—19
Rehderodendron truongsonense P.W. Fritsch, W.B. Liao, & W.Y. Zhao, sp. nov.—159
Trichostema nesophilum K.S. McClell. & Weakley, sp. nov.—109