A lost Caribbean mistletoe rediscovered: new record for Antidaphne wrightii (Santalaceae) in Puerto Rico


  • Marcos A. Caraballo-Ortiz Smithsonian Institution, Natural Museum of Natural History
  • Alcides L. Morales-Pérez Fideicomiso de Conservación de Puerto Rico




Antidaphne, Antilles, Caribbean islands, Eremolepidaceae, Mistletoe, Santalaceae, West Indies


The rare Caribbean mistletoe Antidaphne wrightii was known in Puerto Rico from a single historical collection by Paul E.E. Sintenis (5347) made on October 30, 1886 at Sierra de Naguabo on the eastern side of the island. Since then, this mistletoe has been considered extremely rare and possibly extirpated. Here we report the rediscovery of the species in Puerto Rico at the western Central Cordillera in Yauco and provide basic demographic information for the population. In addition, we summarize the known collections, illustrate the species with full color photographs, and present a distribution map for the genus Antidaphne in the Caribbean.


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Caraballo-Ortiz, M. A., & Morales-Pérez, A. L. (2018). A lost Caribbean mistletoe rediscovered: new record for Antidaphne wrightii (Santalaceae) in Puerto Rico. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 12(2), 683–687. https://doi.org/10.17348/jbrit.v12.i2.969

