Noteworthy new angiosperm plant distribution records for New Mexico and Colorado, U.S.A.


  • Zachary S. Rogers New Mexico State University
  • Sara Fuentes-Soriano New Mexico State University
  • Richard Spellenberg New Mexico State University



new state records, new county records, vascular plant distribution, angiosperms, native species, invasive species, naturalized species, resurrected species, taxonomy, Dimorphocarpa candicans, Gossypium thurberi, IUCN Red List, oak introgression, New Mexico, Colorado, Southwestern US, North America


Eleven angiosperm plant species are added to the flora of New Mexico that were revealed through herbarium curation associated with a project to digitize and unify the two herbaria of New Mexico State University (NMC & NMCR) and through ongoing field work. One, Dimorphocarpa candicans, is restored to the state’s flora, after it was earlier placed into synonymy with D. wislizeni, a close but morphologically distinct relative. The current IUCN Redlist conservation status of endangered (EN) for Gossypium thurberi should be revisited given its newly discovered range extension into southwestern New Mexico. New county-level distribution records are provided for a total of 16 taxa. Crepis tectorum, one of the species added to the flora of New Mexico, is likewise documented for Colorado, where it occurs in three counties. All of the plants added to the floras pertain to species that are either native or introduced with the potential to spread and become naturalized in the landscape. A putative introgressive population is also reported for New Mexico between Quercus turbinella and Q. laceyi, the latter otherwise unknown in the state. For all new records, full citations of specimen vouchers are provided to document the extended distributional ranges.


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How to Cite

Rogers, Z. S., Fuentes-Soriano, S., & Spellenberg, R. (2023). Noteworthy new angiosperm plant distribution records for New Mexico and Colorado, U.S.A. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 17(1), 323–337.