A new species, new records, and new synonyms of Mandevilla (Apocynaceae) from Ecuador, with comments on morphological characters
https://doi.org/10.17348/jbrit.v19.i1.1391Mots-clés :
apocynoids, Mesechiteae, South America, taxonomyRésumé
Mandevilla hansenii is described and illustrated and a distribution map is included; it resembles M. hirsuta but differs by its tomentose branchlets and leaf blades, broader sepals, corolla tube tomentose outside, with obtuse floral buds, and longer anthers. It is provisionally assessed as Endangered (EN). Mandevilla arcuata A.H. Gentry, M. horrida J.F. Morales, M. pavonii (A.DC.) Woodson, M. boliviensis (J.J. Veitch) Woodson, M. polyantha K. Schum. ex Woodson, and M. pristina J.F. Morales are reported for the first time in Ecuador. Mandevilla versicolor Woodson is reduced to the synonymy of M. glandulosa (Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson and M. dodsonii A.H. Gentry under M. sagittarii Woodson. Mandevilla bracteata (Kunth) Kuntze, M. laxa (Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson and M. riparia (Kunth) Woodson are excluded from the native Flora of Ecuador. A lectotype is selected for Mandevilla polyantha. A key to the species of Mandevilla of the exothostemon group in Ecuador is given.
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