Chromosome numbers of miscellaneous southwestern North American angiosperms
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Fifty-nine original meiotic chromosome counts are presented for 43 angiosperm species across 31 genera in 14 families. Reports are based on observation of pollen mother cells in flower bud collections made from wild populations in New Mexico, western Texas, southeastern Arizona, and north-central Mexico. Of these 59 counts, 10 are first reports, nine belong to assorted genera of Nyctaginaceae (Acleisanthes, Allionia, Boerhavia, Cyphomeris, Mirabilis) and one pertains to Lamiaceae (Scutellaria). New counts and results are compared to chromosome counts and analyses published in earlier studies. Findings highlight specific taxa, populations and areas that would benefit from additional sampling to elucidate patterns of variation related to cytology and biodiversity that could, in turn, strengthen genomic studies, taxonomic classifications and conservation strategies.
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