Names for American Acacia (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae)


  • BRIT Press



Acacia Mill., s. l., (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) has been recently proposed to principally consist of seven segregate genera: Vachellia Wight & Arn., Senegalia Raf., Mariosousa Seigler & Ebinger, Acaciella Britton & Rose, Parasenegalia Seigler & Ebinger, Pseudosenegalia Seigler & Ebinger, and Acacia s. str. Nomenclatural citations and type detail are presented here for 1706 species names in Acacia or affined genera in the New World, of which 386 species names are taxonomically accepted. Seventy-two names are currently recognized for Vachellia in the Americas that include an accepted 67 species, seven varieties and two forms. One hundred-one names are accepted for the most speciose genus Senegalia (100 species, one variety). Fifteen species names (eight varieties) are recognized in Acaciella, 14 species for Mariosousa, 11 species for Parasenegalia, and two species for Pseudosenegalia. Only 36 names (35 species, two varieties) are currently accepted for Acacia s. str., among the 714 species names (151 infraspecies) evaluated in Acacia. Other names considered may be assigned to Mimosa L. or to mimosoid legume genera such as Albizia Durazz., Calliandra Benth., Desmanthus Willd., Entada Adans., Leucaena Benth., Lysiloma Benth., Piptadenia Benth., Prosopis L., Samanea (Benth.) Merr., and Zapoteca H.M. Hern. The current status of other names in Acaciella, Senegalia, Vachellia, Mimosa, Manganaroa Speg., Pithecellobium Mart., Poponax, Prosopis, Lysiloma, and Myrmecodendron Britton & Rose that have not been transferred to, but mostly belong to, Acacia s. l. are also treated. Lectotypifications are newly provided for 248 names within the Mimosoideae, with three neotypifications.




Comment citer

Press, B. (2025). Names for American Acacia (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 19(1), 70.

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