Some comments on the taxonomy of Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) in western Oregon


  • Kenton L. Chambers Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University



In preparing the treatment of Delphinium for a future volume of Flora of Oregon, some taxonomic decisions were made that conflict with the 1997 treatment of the genus by Warnock in Flora of North America. The choice of groups to be recognized is based on the present author’s opinion that rapid evolution of Delphinium taxa occurred in the Willamette Valley following habitat disturbance caused by catastrophic flooding from the late-glacial-age Spokane Floods. Delphinium pavonaceum Ewan, D. leucophaeum Greene, and D. oreganum Howell, which are endemic to the Willamette Valley, may have evolved in the ca. 12,000 years since the floods occurred. These 3 groups are here given species rank, unlike their treatment in Flora of North America. This is in line with how the taxa are viewed by Oregon botanists concerned with the rare and endangered species of the state. Lectotypification is necessary for D. pavonaceum. A further taxonomic change is the reduction of D. basalticum M.J. Warnock to synonymy under D. glareosum Greene.


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Boyer, L.L. 1999. A systematic study of the rare Oregon endemic Delphinium oreganum and related taxa. M.S. Thesis, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Chambers, K.L. 2000a. Oregon delphiniums—easy to collect but hard to identify, Part I. Oregon Fl. Newslett. 6(2):7, 12.

Chambers, K.L. 2000b. Oregon delphiniums, Part II. Oregon Fl. Newslett. 6(3):18–19.

Ewan, J. 1945. A synopsis of the North American species of Delphinium. Univ. Colorado Stud. Ser. D 2:55–244.

Goodrich, G.O. 1983. Rare and common species of Delphinium in western Oregon and Washington: a systematic and ecological study. M.S. Thesis, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A.

Hitchcock, C.L. 1964. Delphinium. In: Vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. 2:346–366.

Koontz, J.A., P.S. Soltis, & D.E. Soltis. 2004. Using phylogeny reconstruction to test hypo-theses of hybrid origin in Delphinium Section Diedropetala (Ranunculaceae). Syst. Bot. 29:345–357.

Peck, M.E. 1961. Delphinium. In: A manual of the higher plants of Oregon, Ed. 2. Binfords & Mort, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Pp. 339–345.

Sutherland, D.M. 1967. A taxonomic revision of the low larkspurs of the Pacific Northwest. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.

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Warnock, M.J. 1995. A taxonomic conspectus of North American Delphinium. Phytologia 78:73–101.

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Comment citer

Chambers, K. L. (2018). Some comments on the taxonomy of Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) in western Oregon. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 12(1), 17–23.

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