Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States. The Carex species. Vol. 2
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The volume includes detailed treatments of species; excellent keys that include species that occur in adjacent states; incredible glossy photographs on habit and plant parts that are helpful in species identification (roots, culm leaves, sheaths, inflorescences, perigynia, achenes); references; coefficients of conservatism for each species; taxonomic changes since Deam’s (1940) early treatment of the genus; glossary; and an index.
McKenzie, P.M. 2009. Book review- Sedges of Indiana and the adjacent states- the non-Carex species. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3(2):962, 968.
McKenzie, P.M. & B. Henry. 2018. Evidence that Carex xdeamii may be derived from a cross between C. squarrosa and C. shortiana. Missouriensis 35:3–7.
Swink, F.A. & G.S. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago region (4th ed.). Indiana, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, U.S.A. 921 pp.