Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States. The Carex species. Vol. 2


  • Paul M. McKenzie



The volume includes detailed treatments of species; excellent keys that include species that occur in adjacent states; incredible glossy photographs on habit and plant parts that are helpful in species identification (roots, culm leaves, sheaths, inflorescences, perigynia, achenes); references; coefficients of conservatism for each  species; taxonomic changes since Deam’s (1940) early treatment of the genus; glossary; and an index.


Deam, C.C. 1940. Flora of Indiana. Wm. B. Burford Printing Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. 1236 pp.
McKenzie, P.M. 2009. Book review- Sedges of Indiana and the adjacent states- the non-Carex species. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3(2):962, 968.
McKenzie, P.M. & B. Henry. 2018. Evidence that Carex xdeamii may be derived from a cross between C. squarrosa and C. shortiana. Missouriensis 35:3–7.
Swink, F.A. & G.S. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago region (4th ed.). Indiana, Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, U.S.A. 921 pp.




Comment citer

McKenzie, P. M. (2022). Sedges of Indiana and the Adjacent States. The Carex species. Vol. 2. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 16(2), 376.