Arctium minus (Asteraceae): historical review, ecological consequences, and addition to Texas flora


  • Jeffrey N. Mink
  • Walter C. Holmes Department of Biology, Baylor University
  • Jason R. Singhurst Wildlife Diversity Program and Landscape Ecology Program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
  • Amie Treuer-Kuehn Wildlife Diversity Program and Landscape Ecology Program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department



Arctium minus, a European native, is currently known to have been introduced throughout most of continental United States except for Florida, Delaware, and Texas. The species is reported in Texas in the Flora of North America, but without specimen documentation. Numerous historical nomenclature complexities and confusion involved in proper documentation of this species’ spread and distribution are discussed. It is here reported as new to Texas, based upon a collection in Oldham County in the northern Panhandle. The species is considered to be weedy and may have the potential to be invasive in the High Plains and Rolling Plains regions of Texas. Brief descriptions of historic distribution and spread based on early botanical literature, and various economic and ecological associations of A. minus are summarized.


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Comment citer

Mink, J. N., Holmes, W. C., Singhurst, J. R., & Treuer-Kuehn, A. (2018). Arctium minus (Asteraceae): historical review, ecological consequences, and addition to Texas flora. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 12(2), 713–720.

