Reviewers for Volume 15 (2021)


  • BRIT Press Botanical Research Institute of Texas



Volume 15 involved 71 reviewers: several individuals reviewed more than one manuscript. We sincerely apologize if your name was accidentally left out. Thank you for supporting Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.

Abbott, J. Richard
Aime, Cathie
Baker, Marc
Barger, Wayne
Baroni, Timothy
Barrie, Fred R.
Bauml, Jim
Bruneau, Anne
Burk, Williams
Cabral, Andressa
Carlos Soto Shareva, Yahn
Chambers, Kenton L.
Chautems, Alain
Davenport, L.J.
Delcid, Dagoberto Rodríguez
Delgado-Salinas, Alfonso
Devore, Melanie
Diamond, Alvin
Díaz, Edgardo
Estrella González, Manuel de la
Fox III, William E.
Franck, Alan
Gahagen, Ben
García Mendoza, Abisaí
García-Beltrán, José A.
Gonzalez, Socorro
González-Elizondo, Martha S.
Hansen, Curtis J.
Hayden, W.J.
Hernández Macías, Héctor
Holst, Bruce
Horn, Jay
Jarvis, C.E.
Johnson, David M.
Jones, Ronald L.
Judd, Walter
Kelloff, Carol L.
Lemke, David E.
Li, Gary
Luebert, Federico
Mathiasen, Robert L.
Menjívar, Jenny E.
Miller, John
Morales, Francisco
Neubig, Kurt
Olmedo Galán, Pablo G.
Pacifico, Richardo
Padial, Josè Manuel
Panero, José
Powell, A. Michael
Rehman, Tiana
Rodríguez-Cala, Diana
Salinas, Nelson
Sanders, Andrew
Schori, Melanie
Senna Garraffoni, André Rinaldo
Singhurst, Jason R.
Skean, James D.
Stanford, Jack
Svoboda, Harlan
Tenoch Bárcenas, Rolando
Terry, Martin K.
Tinoco, Euridice
Trout, Keeper
Valencia, Janice
Vasco, Alejandra
Velazco, Carlos
Waines, J. Giles
Wang, Hengchang
Wilder, George J.
Williams, Charles E.




How to Cite

BRIT Press. (2021). Reviewers for Volume 15 (2021). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 15(2), 751.

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