A floristic inventory of vascular plants growing wild in the Naples Botanical Garden and on immediately adjacent land (Collier County) Florida, U.S.A.
Documented presently as growing wild within, and immediately adjacent to, the Naples Botanical Garden (Collier Co., Florida) are individuals of 115 families, 351 genera, 576 species, and 587 infrageneric taxa of vascular plants. Of the 587 infrageneric taxa documented presently, 414 (70.6%) are clearly native and 13 (2.2%) are endemic to Florida. Herein, seven main kinds of habitats are recognized for the study area, and individual taxa inhabit one or more of those habitats. Seventeen presently reported infrageneric taxa are listed as Endangered (nine taxa) or Threatened (eight taxa) in Florida, and seven are listed as Critically Imperiled in South Florida. Based on the present study and on previous field work undertaken at the study site, 32 species plus two varieties are newly reported for Collier County.
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