A new species of Cyperus section Incurvi (Cyperaceae) from Venezuela


  • Gordon C. Tucker Department of Biological Sciences, Eastern Illinois University




Cyperus, Cyperaceae, Venezuela, Guayana Region


Cyperus fedoniae is described as a new species. It is known from a single collection from the lowlands of southern Venezuela. It is a member of section Incurvi. It is related to C. dichromeniformis and C. inops, from which it can be distinguished by its smaller size and features of spikelets and achenes. A distinctive feature is the arching culms which take root at the base of the spikelets. 


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Tucker, G. C. (2017). A new species of Cyperus section Incurvi (Cyperaceae) from Venezuela. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 11(1), 39–43. https://doi.org/10.17348/jbrit.v11.i1.1136