Natural history of neotropical Ericaceae, 1
Gonocalyx pulcher (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae), a rediscovered and retypified Colombian blueberry
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Neotropics, Andes, endemism, cultivation, nomenclature, lectotypification, key to species, conservation statusRésumé
Gonocalyx pulcher (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) has been rediscovered in the northeastern Colombian Andes after a lapse of over 135 years. Recent collections herein reported represent the only collections made since the type gathering by Schlim in 1851. The history of collections, cultivation, taxonomy, and nomenclature is re-viewed. Generic and species descriptions for G. pulcher are updated and photographic illustrations are provided. The vegetation in which G. pulcher occurs, a list of its commonly associated Ericaceae, and its conservation status are briefly described. A new second-step lectotypification is made and the associated type herbarium specimens are illustrated. A key to all 11 species of Gonocalyx is provided.
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