Vaccinium virgatum (Ericaceae): A species to be recognized
blueberries, U.S. Coastal Plain, Southeastern United States, Vaccinium sect. CyanococcusAbstract
Since its original publication in 1789, Vaccinium virgatum has been treated by most authors as an accepted species in V. sect. Cyanococcus. In the latest comprehensive taxonomic treatment of the section, however, it is treated as a synonym of the broadly circumscribed species V. corymbosum. Here we use a combination of morphology, ploidy assessment with flow cytometry, and previously published phylogenomic analysis based on high-throughput DNA sequencing to support the taxonomic status of V. virgatum as a species to be recognized. As circumscribed here, V. virgatum occurs in the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain from Arkansas, Texas, and southeastern Oklahoma to northeastern Florida and southeastern Carolina. An updated taxonomic treatment of the species, including an expanded description, distribution map by county, and a representative list of specimens examined by county is included. We provide a means of distinguishing V. virgatum from V. ashei, a similar species recently also segregated from V. corymbosum, and from presumed rabbiteye blueberry escapes from cultivation, which can occur both within and outside the native range of V. virgatum. We designate a neotype for V. virgatum and lectotypes for V. virgatum vars. angustifolium, parvifolium, and speciosum.
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