Evaluation of the Hispaniolan endemic Graffenrieda ottoschulzii (Melastomataceae)
Biodiversity hotspot, Greater Antilles, Miconia, phylogenetics, taxonomyAbstract
The putative Hispaniolan endemic Graffenrieda ottoschulzii (syn. = Miconia ottoschulzii) was evaluated morphologically and phylogenetically. Morphological data clearly place the species within Miconia, as the taxon is missing the dorsal appendage on the connective and capsule fruits of Graffenrieda but has the berry fruits of Miconia. Phylogenetically G. ottoschulzii was resolved as sister to the widespread and mostly South American, M. pyrifolia, and we conclude here that the two taxa are conspecific. We provide an updated description of M. pyrifolia and lectotypify the names M. ottoschulzii and M. pyrifolia.
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