Morphology and identification of the seedlings of selected woody/semi-woody species of dicotyledons sensu lato growing wild in South Florida (U.S.A.). Part I. Species with epigeal germination


  • George J. Wilder Naples Botanical Garden
  • Karen Relish Naples Botanical Garden



We describe and compare the seedlings of 70 species of trees, shrubs, and woody/semi-woody vines of dicotyledons sensu lato which have epigeal germination and which grow wild in south Florida. For each species we characterize the macroscopical features of the hypocotyl, cotyledons, supra-cotyledonary internodes, and supra-cotyledonary leaves as well as the presence vs. absence of, the kinds of, and the distribution of trichomes. We conclude with a taxonomic key for identifying the seedlings of all considered species. Fifty-nine and 11 of the investigated species are native to, and exotic within Florida, respectively.


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Wilder, G. J., & Relish, K. (2022). Morphology and identification of the seedlings of selected woody/semi-woody species of dicotyledons sensu lato growing wild in South Florida (U.S.A.). Part I. Species with epigeal germination. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 16(1), 79–164.




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