Taxonomic studies in the Miconieae (Melastomataceae). XIV. Species of Miconia section Sagraea that occur in the Greater Antilles and additionally in the Lesser Antilles and/or continental regions


  • Walter S. Judd Dept. of Biology and Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
  • Gretchen M. Ionta Dept. of Biological & Environmental Sciences, Georgia College and State University
  • Lucas C. Majure Desert Botanical Garden



Miconia, Sagraea, Melastomataceae, Miconieae, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles


The systematics of three species of Miconia sect. Sagraea from the Greater Antilles, which also occur in the Lesser Antilles and/or continental regions, is investigated. These taxa, representing lineages of likely independent dispersal into the Greater Antilles, are here taxonomically revised, including for each a description, nomenclatural information (including a new name, Miconia sciaphila, and two new combinations, M. berteroi and M. septuplinervia), specimen citations, and an eco-geographical characterization. These species are compared with members of two species-rich clades of sect. Sagraea of independent diversification in the Greater Antilles: the Clidemia oligantha/C. leucandra complex (comprising seven species) and the Brevicyma clade (29 species). A key to the three species, distinguishing among them and separating them from the two species-rich Greater Antillean clades is provided.


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How to Cite

Judd, W. S., Ionta, G. M., & Majure, L. C. (2018). Taxonomic studies in the Miconieae (Melastomataceae). XIV. Species of Miconia section Sagraea that occur in the Greater Antilles and additionally in the Lesser Antilles and/or continental regions. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 12(2), 531–547.

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